Every attempt counts.
Tried before? Trying counts. Most tobacco users try more than once before they quit for good. Use what you learned in previous attempts to build an even stronger plan. Enroll in a different combination of offerings. Nothing is wasted.

Sometimes willpower is no match for addiction.
There’s a reason quitting tobacco is hard. Nicotine is one of the five most addictive substances in the world. The fact is, nicotine radically changes your brain chemistry, so your good intentions, hard work, and promises to yourself often aren’t enough to make quitting stick. Sometimes you need a little extra help—and you aren’t the only one.

Triple your chances of quitting tobacco. For free.
We’re here to offer the help you and countless other Wyoming residents need. Our proven quit tobacco program is 3x more likely to help you quit for good than going solo and relying on sheer willpower. And it’s 100% FREE to participate.


Free Gum & Patches
Nicotine replacement methods can play a vital part throughout the quit journey, and WQT provides brand-name options for gum, lozenges, patches, and even prescription medications.

Trained Quit Coaches
Our expertly-trained and specialized quit coaches provide support based on medical research and proven methods for success.

Proven Program
Our customized plans mean you can choose support methods that work for you, including online tools, resources, and 24/7 support.

There's no better time.
Get started in as little as 5 minutes online or 10-15 minutes by phone. We’ll collect basic contact, health, and demographic information and get you started in your free personalized quit program.
You’ll have program options: phone, web, text, or email. Order free nicotine gum or patches in the phone, web, or text program. Phone participants are also eligible for FREE medication for additional effective support. We recommend a combination of phone + another option for the most comprehensive support.

Not quite ready to start today? That’s OK. We’ll be here when it’s right for you.
Just one more thing before you go: we encourage you to pick a date. Setting a date to begin is a powerful first step in the process of quitting that lets your mind know you’re committed to making this important change.